Events – Associazione Culturale Millennium


Cultural events, art exhibitions, concerts

Since 2001, the Millennium Cultural Association has been dealing with activities for the preservation and the promotion of the traditions and culture of Procida.
The volunteers offer a qualified service of guided tours, also in foreign languages, and control of the St.Michael Archangel abbey.

Thanks to the work of the Association, the rooms in the underground of the church has been arranged in order that visitors can enjoy the huge artistic patrimony, such as the precious volumes of the library.
In the years, it has arranged several exhibitions, presentations, publications and has co-operated with educational institutions, associations and public organisations of Procida, Campania and Italy.

It created the event called “Fridays of the Abbey”, annual appointment with art and culture, in occasion of which the abbey opens the doors to an exciting evening visit. In 2010, the concert “Corricella in jazz” (one of the events arranged by the association) has been the first jazz concert in Marina Corricella, a beautiful scenery for a lovely performance that has became in the years one of the most expected event in the summertime.